Purpose: The purpose of the Public Relations Committee is to establish and maintain a positive public image of the organization by encouraging ALA members to be visible in their communities through branding and informing the public about the mission of the organization. Standing Rules #6, National Committees – Member/Organizational Support
Spread the word about the American Legion Auxiliary: A Community of Volunteers Serving Veterans, Military, and their Families.
Maintain a social media account(s) for departments, divisions, and units.
Build relationships with local media.
Send press releases and letters to the editor to local media.
Contact your local government for proclamations.
Have an elevator speech.
Familiarize yourself with the PR Toolkit.
Take the ALA Academy courses related to PR:
ALA Branding and Why it Matters to Me!
Using Social Media to Your Unit's Advantage
Encourage ALA members to be visible in their communities through valuable, distinct branding.
Wear branded clothing, pins, etc., at events.
Have visible branding at booths, tables, etc.
Have American Legion Family brochures available at events (order through your ALA department office).
Share the latest news from ALA volunteer national leadership and ALA National Headquarters.
Distribute newsletters at all levels of the organization.
Conduct video conferences (Zoom, etc.) with members.
Inform members of national publications such as Auxiliary magazine, ALA blog, ALA eNews, ALA social media, etc.
Deadlines/Important Dates
Department Chairman Report due to National Committee: May 15
Department, Unit, and Member Award Nomination Forms Completed and Submitted: June 1
Member Site:
Public Side: