Purpose: The purpose of the Public Relations Committee is to establish and maintain a positive public image of the organization by encouraging ALA members to be visible in their communities through branding and informing the public about the mission of the organization. Standing Rules #6, National Committees – Member/Organizational Support 

Spread the word about the American Legion Auxiliary: A Community of Volunteers Serving Veterans, Military, and their Families.

  • Maintain a social media account(s) for departments, divisions, and units.

  • Build relationships with local media.

  • Send press releases and letters to the editor to local media.

  • Contact your local government for proclamations.

  • Have an elevator speech.

  • Familiarize yourself with the PR Toolkit.

  • Take the ALA Academy courses  related to PR:

    • ALA Branding and Why it Matters to Me!

    • Using Social Media to Your Unit's Advantage

Encourage ALA members to be visible in their communities through valuable, distinct branding.

  • Wear branded clothing, pins, etc., at events.

  • Have visible branding at booths, tables, etc.

  • Have American Legion Family brochures available at events (order through your ALA department office).

Share the latest news from ALA volunteer national leadership and ALA National Headquarters. 

  • Distribute newsletters at all levels of the organization.

  • Conduct video conferences (Zoom, etc.) with members.

  • Inform members of national publications such as Auxiliary magazine, ALA blog, ALA eNews, ALA social media, etc.

Deadlines/Important Dates