Make Resolutions for the upcoming Unit and District Year.
Quartlerly National Committe meetings
Scholarships need to be into Department by March 1st (Children of Warriors National President, Spirit of Youth, Junior Member Loyalty & Non-Traditional -see Forms/Links)
Americanism Essay due to Department by March 1st
MARCH - Women of Service
Prepare Reports and send to Department
EIN Reports filed with the IRS
Legion and Auxiliary Birthday
3rd DEC Meeting
APRIL - Military Child Month
Wear Purple April 15th to honor Military Kids Day
Start New Reporting Year April 1st
Nominate Unit Member of the Year (see Forms/ Links)
District Spring Conferences
Americanism Essay Contest Due to National before April 15th.
Quartlerly National Committe meetings
1st DEC Meeting of the New Year.
Membership 75% Goals
Armed Forces Day on the 18th
National Poppy Day - Friday before Memorial Day. Poppy Posters due to Department Office by May 1 st.
National Convention
Membership Goals
Quartlerly National Committe meetings
Veterans Day on the 11th.
American Education Week
Quartlerly National Committe meetings
Girls State Week
Samsung Scholarships
Department Convention and Elections
4th DEC Meeeting of the Year.
SEPTEMBER -Constitution Month
District Fall Conferences.
Renew Membership for Upcoming calendar year
Veterans Gift Shop.
2nd DEC Meeting